Secure, Self-Destructing Messages lets you share sensitive information securely. Create encrypted notes that automatically self-destruct after being read or when they expire. No accounts needed, no traces left.

    End-to-end encrypted
    Destroys after viewed

    LockCreate Encrypted Message

    Your message will be encrypted and only accessible via the generated link.

    0/10,000 characters

    How It Works

    Sending sensitive information has never been easier or more secure. Follow these simple steps to create and share self-destructing messages.



    Write your message, set an expiration time, and choose how many times it can be viewed. Add password protection and file attachments for extra security.



    Send the secure link to your recipient through any channel you prefer. The link can only be accessed for the specified duration and view count.



    Once the message is viewed or the expiration time is reached, the message is permanently deleted from our servers, leaving no trace behind.

    Key Features

    Our platform offers several advanced features to ensure your sensitive data remains secure.

    End-to-End Encryption

    All messages are encrypted in your browser before being sent to our servers. Only the recipient with the correct link (and password, if set) can decrypt the content.

    Customizable Expiry

    Set your message to expire after a specific time period, from as short as 1 hour to as long as 14 days.

    View Limits

    Specify exactly how many times your message can be viewed before it self-destructs, ensuring your information doesn't remain accessible indefinitely.


    Password Protection

    Add an extra layer of security by requiring a password to access your message, protecting it even if the secure link falls into the wrong hands.

    File Attachments

    Attach files up to 10MB in size to your secure messages. All attachments are encrypted just like the message content.

    No Registration

    Use our service without creating an account or providing any personal information. Quick, easy, and completely anonymous.

    Public API

    Integrate into your applications with our simple REST API

    Create a New Message

    Create encrypted messages programmatically with a simple POST request.


    POST /api/notes

    Request Body

      "noteContent": "Your secret message here",
      "expiryTime": "24h",       // Options: "5m", "1h", "24h", "7d", "30d"
      "expiryViews": "1",        // Number of times the note can be viewed
      "password": "optional",    // Optional password protection
      "notificationEmails": [    // Optional email notifications
      "notificationSubject": "Your secure note has been viewed"


      "success": true,
      "noteId": "abc123def456",
      "link": ""


    curl -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "noteContent": "This is a confidential message",
        "expiryTime": "24h",
        "expiryViews": "1"

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Find answers to common questions about and how it works.

    Get the Chrome Extension

    Create secure, self-destructing links with just one click directly from your browser. The same experience without having to visit the site.

    Add to Chrome